About Me - Salasiah

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if you want to know anything about me, please ask. Don't assume (ass u me) Ruang peribadi seorang insan yang menempuhi liku-liku hidup dalam mencari redha penciptanya. Seperti insan lain yang tidak pernah lari dari masalah dan dugaan kehidupan insan ini cuba melakukan apa yang termampu dan terbaik. Semoga apa yang dilakukan di dunia ini baik di sisi penciptanya.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mengigati masa Silam

Weeks before 28 of April 2012 (i was not part of Bersih 3.0) I stumble into an article that talks about Injustice, it leads me to this Video (all video content are not mine, i obtain these materials from youtube, credits to the creator of these video not me)

It bring backs some memories when i was a kid around 10 years old, insyallah in Oct i will be 36, so it has been 26 years ago. At that time i still remember the talks for "ajaran sesat and all the other issues" now more aged and more options to obtain information apart from main stream media, i develop my own conclusion.

I will lets my viewers develop their own conclusion on this matter. But personally it bring sadness in the heart. I fond to meet them.

Alhamdulillah, i had to go to Baling Kedah for a program. When i was there i was inform that the grave of the Syuhaddah is not far from where my program was held.

It bring tears and brought alot of learning to be with the Syuhadah.

This is the location of the grave, from what i have learned when they were taken back from the hospital the police force did not allow them to be burried in Memali, Tuan Guru Pondok Lanai at that time have asked them to be burried here. Before there were brought here, this is not a graveyeard. It was an empty spot of Land

13 Syuhadah all together in this location.
There were Fatwa from the Majlis Agama Kedah that mentioned that they were not Syuhadah, It came out six (6) months after they were burried. To me it is kind of ironic, don't you need to come out with Fatwa if there a Syahid soon after the death, but this is Six (6) month after that.

However the Late Tuan Guru Pondok Lanai Declare Them Syahid, please refer to second video.

The Current Agong, visited the Syuhadah a few times

There were 14 Syuhadah altogether, leaving As-Syahid Ustad Ibrahim Libya in a Diffrent Location

As-Syahid Ustaz Ibrahim Libya
The picture of the Syuhadah,

if you like to watch the video and details on Memali, do visit the videos below. I will let my viewers come out with their own conclusion on this matter.

Experience from Memali 1
Experience from Memali 2
Experience from Memali 3
Experience from Memali 4
Experience from Memali 5
Experience from Memali 6
Experience from Memali 7
Experience from Memali 8
Experience from Memali 9

Wasallam Viewer, just sharing my thoughts and feeling about the country and the rule that we share together.

Bila dihadapan Khadi Rabul Jalil Insyallah kita akan tahu kebenarannya, dan kita juga akan dipersoalkan apa tindakan kita didalam kehidupan ini.


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