Salam Alaik,
This week i have to concentrate on my studies, i have assignment and exam to attempt this week. Ya Allah, aku pohon dipermudahkan segala cabaran ini Ya allah.
I cannot say that i am looking forward for it, i am not, but really need to ensure that i give it all my best.
Even my sister and brother have to prepare for their respective exam. Sorry abah & mama cannot fulfill your request for the next few days, will return the favor later. Love you. Thank you for the support and understanding. (Plus) the motivation, the cooking and the prayers.
Till after exam.
Family & Friends hoping for your doa and prayer that we excel. Minta ampun, minta maaf kalau ada silap dan salah. Manalah tahu ada buat dosa kang yang boleh menyebabkan barakah & rahmah Allah tertahan. Kalau ada mohon sudi diampunkan.
p.s. Hanif Jgn Lupa Call Prof Hashim Kalau tidak kena repeat paper kang.
GoodLuck along!! makDe doakan semoga along dipermudahkan ALlah dlm semua urusan dunia dan akhirat.
i am having my exam too
for this whole month
doakan awa jugak!!
Mak Uda, Thanks for your doa and prayer, Kirim salam pada haziq & Pak Uda.
Thank you mak uda
Nawa. Insyallah Along akan doakan kejayaan semua org dalam keluarga.
Take care Awa.
Good luck dengan exam mu.
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