got tagged by:
name : Najlaa Ramalan
nick : naji,najnaj,naj,najlaa,nala(seperti didalam lion king),A.J(pemberian akak angkat)
sisters : 2
brothers : 1
shoe size : 9 (europe) / 43 (usa)
height : 154cm
ok here goes
starting time : 091076
name : Noor Shahrizam Shamsul Ariffin
nick : Hgwyman, tuanku, Rickbowl, taxirosak, kicapmasin
sisters : 1
brothers : 1
shoe size : 9 (UK Size)
height : 180cm
where do you live : Petaling Jaya
have u ever been in plane : YES
swam in the ocean : Yes, Love the Sea.
fallen asleep at school : Obviously, Siap berdengkur lagi
broken someone's heart : Yes, The worst would be Family members.
fell off your chair : YES, Ketawa punya pasal. (Regret it, banyak ketawa, banyak nangis)
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Nope, cannot remember if i have done it.
saved emails : Kenalah, Company Retention Policy
what is your room like : hmmmmm ikut mood. Most of the time "Immaculate" muhahahha
One hint: Kan dah bagi tahu Immaculate
what's right beside you : Right Now ker, dinding kaca
what is the last thing u ate : Salads for breakfast
ever had...chicken pox...: Yes, tak gi Sekolah Sebulan
sore throat :Hmmmm Mestilan pernah, what a question
broken nose : Nope
do you believe in love at first sight :Ntah, will tell you what it happens
like picnic : Only with the right company.
who was/were...the last person you danced with :
hahahahaha (i had a bet with friends, they say i cannot get this beautiful lady to dance with me, well they were wrong. We dance, and they have to pay up USD 300.) Her Name was Maureen. (now all let your immagination go wild ...... i can only say that it was all good)
last made you smile : Two Thai Kids
last you last yelled at : Ok, i yelled at someone i care - I am still paying the price
today...did you talked to someone you like : Just like Randy Puach say, everyone is good, just give them some time. So yes
kissed anyone : Banyak kali, mama, abah, adik2, muslim brothers & Family members
get sick : Kilngon also fall sick apa.
talk to an ex : Mestilah YES
miss someone :miss more than one!
who do you really hate :who do i really hate?tak ada.Hate is a strong word. (Borrowing najlaa's words)
do you like you hand-writing : Sometime i cannot read what i wrote.
are your toe nails painted : I have even painted my hair, what more my toe nails
what color shirt are you wearing now :Brown
are you friendly person : i can be a friendly, ask my friendslahhhhhh they should be a better judge on this
do you have any pets : Yes, theree Cats
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : Banyak kali, tak terkira banyaknya
what are you doing right now : duh, writting this tag
can you handle the truth :the truth will set u free
are you closer to your mother or father :Cannot lah tell. U share things diffrently with either of them
do you eat healthy : trying
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : Nope
if you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to :I usually keep it to my self, but i am sure Allah will bring me a suitable candidate for me to share, i has happen many, many, many times.
are you loud or quiet most of the time : ntahlah, u asking me, you should ask my family or friendslah on this..... Kawan adalah Cermin
are you confident : My manager say i am, and i trust him, so YES
5 things i was doing 10 years ago:
- Dah Start kerja
- Dah start Driving to work
- Tengah buat Masters
- Tengah berkecimpung dengan Artis BudayA Pusat Islam
- Still finding out about me
So saya mahu tag:
Tak Tahu lagi.... tengah fikir... nantilah