About Me - Salasiah

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if you want to know anything about me, please ask. Don't assume (ass u me) Ruang peribadi seorang insan yang menempuhi liku-liku hidup dalam mencari redha penciptanya. Seperti insan lain yang tidak pernah lari dari masalah dan dugaan kehidupan insan ini cuba melakukan apa yang termampu dan terbaik. Semoga apa yang dilakukan di dunia ini baik di sisi penciptanya.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mengigati masa Silam

Weeks before 28 of April 2012 (i was not part of Bersih 3.0) I stumble into an article that talks about Injustice, it leads me to this Video (all video content are not mine, i obtain these materials from youtube, credits to the creator of these video not me)

It bring backs some memories when i was a kid around 10 years old, insyallah in Oct i will be 36, so it has been 26 years ago. At that time i still remember the talks for "ajaran sesat and all the other issues" now more aged and more options to obtain information apart from main stream media, i develop my own conclusion.

I will lets my viewers develop their own conclusion on this matter. But personally it bring sadness in the heart. I fond to meet them.

Alhamdulillah, i had to go to Baling Kedah for a program. When i was there i was inform that the grave of the Syuhaddah is not far from where my program was held.

It bring tears and brought alot of learning to be with the Syuhadah.

This is the location of the grave, from what i have learned when they were taken back from the hospital the police force did not allow them to be burried in Memali, Tuan Guru Pondok Lanai at that time have asked them to be burried here. Before there were brought here, this is not a graveyeard. It was an empty spot of Land

13 Syuhadah all together in this location.
There were Fatwa from the Majlis Agama Kedah that mentioned that they were not Syuhadah, It came out six (6) months after they were burried. To me it is kind of ironic, don't you need to come out with Fatwa if there a Syahid soon after the death, but this is Six (6) month after that.

However the Late Tuan Guru Pondok Lanai Declare Them Syahid, please refer to second video.

The Current Agong, visited the Syuhadah a few times

There were 14 Syuhadah altogether, leaving As-Syahid Ustad Ibrahim Libya in a Diffrent Location

As-Syahid Ustaz Ibrahim Libya
The picture of the Syuhadah,

if you like to watch the video and details on Memali, do visit the videos below. I will let my viewers come out with their own conclusion on this matter.

Experience from Memali 1
Experience from Memali 2
Experience from Memali 3
Experience from Memali 4
Experience from Memali 5
Experience from Memali 6
Experience from Memali 7
Experience from Memali 8
Experience from Memali 9

Wasallam Viewer, just sharing my thoughts and feeling about the country and the rule that we share together.

Bila dihadapan Khadi Rabul Jalil Insyallah kita akan tahu kebenarannya, dan kita juga akan dipersoalkan apa tindakan kita didalam kehidupan ini.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rumput terlampaulah panjang

Salam alaik to all friends and family
Ternyata usaha hamba untuk ada laman blog memang susah untuk di majukan
tapi apapun kita tetap kena berusaha
nak share gambar-gambar terbaharu Mujahidah Masturah


Friday, May 15, 2009

Rumput dah panjang sangat-sangat

Salam Alaik

Alhamdulillah ingat jugak password my blog. It has been awhile.

Insyallah i will come up with some update.


Please enjoy some picture

Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Ask Why the Jews Do The Things They Do ....

Salam Alaik

How shameful can i be, my brothers and sisters in Islam is dying in Palestine, my prayer and doa it onto them. Recite Qunut Nazilah my brothers and sisters.

Thanks to my cousin, i have found this song and lyrics that sum up how i am feeling right now. To all my brother and sisters in Islam, it would do good for you to study the lecture from Maulana Imran Hossein http://www.imranhosein.org/ especially in the subject of Jerusallem In the Quran

Have joy in your hearts my Muslim Borthers and Sisters, Allah has promise the day when Islam will be victorious. Have faith my brother and sisters, Recite Aurah-Al-Khaf every Friday night for Allah's Guidance and grace.

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Ask yourself why does the jews and human do this, the jews in their scripture says that they have no moral obligation to the "ummiyun" , gentile "non jews", they have no morale obligation to those in Gaza and the world who are ummiyun.

Have faith my brother and Sisters, for our Rasullullah have said. "You would surely fight the jews and you would surely kill them" this is a promise of our beloved Rasullullah.

'Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami bermohon pertolongan Mu,
kami meminta ampun kepada Mu, kami memohon petunjuk dari Mu,
kami beriman kepada Mu,
kami berserah kepada Mu dan kami memuji Mu dengan segala kebaikan,
kami mensyukuri dan tidak mengkufuri Mu, kami melepaskan diri daripada sesiapa yang durhaka kepada Mu.

Ya Allah, Engkau yang kami sembah dan kepada Engkau kami bersalat dan sujud, dan kepada Engkau jualah kami datang bergegas, kami mengharap rahmat Mu dan kami takut akan azab Mu kerana azab Mu yang sebenar akan menyusul mereka yang kufur

Ya Allah, Muliakanlah Islam dan masyarakat Islam. Hentikanlah segala macam kezaliman dan permusuham, Bantulah saudara-saudara kami di mana sahaja mereka berada. Angkatlah dari mereka kesusahan, bala, peperangan dan permusuhan.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami dari segala keburukan dan janganlah Engkau jadikan kami tempat turunnya bencana, hindarkanlah kami dari segala bala kerana tidak sesiapa yang dapat menghindarkannya melainkan Engkau, ya Allah
Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami dari segala keburukan dan janganlah Engkau jadikan kami tempat turunnya bencana, hindarkanlah kami dari segala bala kerana tidak sesiapa yang dapat menghindarkannya melainkan Engkau, ya Allah

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,

turunkan para Malaikatmu untuk membantu para Mujahidin di Gaza dan Seluruh Palestin,
sebagaimana telah kau turunkan ribuan Malaikat di Badar, di Khandaq dan di Tabuk.

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,
ringankanlah penderitaan saudara-saudara kami di Gaza,
kuatkanlah terus generasi baru dari antara anak-anak mereka,
menjadi generasi yang akan membawa kami pada kejayaan Islam lewat Jihad fii Sabiilillah.

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,
janganlah Kau biarkan kami termasuk orang-orang yang berpangku tangan melihat kezaliman atas saudara-saudara kami.

Daftarkan nama-nama kami dalam daftar panjang para Mujahidin Mukhlisin dan para Syuhada yang menjemput Syurga-Mu.

Jangan Kau biarkan dunia yang hina ini melingkupi kehidupan kami sampai lupa pada Negeri Akhirat-Mu.

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,anugerahkan kepada kami kesabaran memegang teguh agama-Mu dan wafatkan kami dalam keadaan Muslim.

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Yang Maha Memelihara,anugerahkan kepada kami kesabaran memegang teguh agama-Mu dan wafatkan kami dalam keadaan Muslim.

Syukur Hidup Lagi

Salam alaik to all

It has been some time since i updated my blog, i even got an interesting comment from my dearest Mak Uda.

I will just like to share a few pictures today. Allah is the mighty creator with his grace have created wonderful and beautiful place in the world. My wfe and I with his grace has allowed us to experience the wonder and the beauty of Bali. Alhamdulillah the journey was great. With grace from Allah i am now at a diffent phase of my life. I am learning the days

Insyallah i will write more soon, my apologize to my uncle and Aunties, for not being able to visit them after my wedding for work commitmnet have asked me to be back in Bangkok.Insyallah soon we will be visiting

MasyaAllah Betapa Indahny Ciptaanmu. Semoga kau Cantikkan peribadiku seperti sempurnanya kejadianku

Seperti kejadian malam dan Siang, Aku jadikan Lelaki and Perempuan itu berlainan.

Bulan, kau pernah menjadi saksi kepada mukjizat Rasullullah, Selawat dan Salam Kepadanya dan seluruh Keluarganya

Betapa indah bila Siang ingin mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada malam. Syukur aku hidup lagi dapat meyaksikan keindahan Allah

Lukisan-Lukisan Langit.

Alila Manggis, Buitan Bali

Semoga terhibur dengan gambar-gambar yang dikongsi bersama. Insyallah kalau ada rezeki kita akan bersua kembali

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hope things gets better

Salam Alaik
I am on leave till the end of the year. However today i decided to go to the office.

I have to pass some stuff to Datin Rozi, and Amy. Well they are happy (hopefully) to get their Naraya Stuff.

I came to the office to call and say thank you personnally to those people that have made my travel back from Bangkok.

Only today i was aware that me being in Thailand was security issue that has been escalated to the Asia Pacific Director. No wonder the calls and the constant request for update. But above all i am greatful that they actually cared for my well being.

There is just so many people that i need to thank. Taufik, Din, Azli, Rozi, Nurul, Kesh, Razman, Faizal, Amy, K. Permsak, K Chatcavant, K. Apinya, K Nuch, K Sunee, K Aprluck, K Patama, Steph, Rosli, Mama, Abah, Adik Angah, Adik Aishah, Dalila, Nenek and other for their support and their kind wishes.

I am so grateful that there are people who cared about me, I am being loved. There is nothing more that i could ask for but Syukur. I hope in return i hope that i have impacted their live and have given them some of my care and attention to them.

I called them personally, i wish thanks personally, i did give an update to the bosses today.

I hope that things gets better in the world, the bombing in Mumbai, the Fighting in the World, the restless travellers longing to be with their loved ones in Bangkok and the whole world. There is so much sorrow. There is the best and the worst of humanity. Lets pray that we do not become a victim or cause people to be a victim.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Experience in U-Tapao -> Closure of Survanabumi Airport

Salam Alaik
I had my share of the impact of the closure of Survanabumi Airport in Bangkok. My flight back from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur on 30th November 2008 was routed to U-Tapao Airport almost 190km away from my Hotel.

I woke up at 4am to start packing my stuff, at around 8am i was already at U-Tapao Airport, the journey from my hotel took nearly 2 hours, although previous reports mentioned that it can take up to 4hrs depending on the Traffic. It cost me 2000 Baht for this trip (thanks to Kun Nuch that help arranged this travel trip)

When i arrive there are already thousands of people crowding the entrance, it is chaotic, there is just no information, no body to provide or address information, this is at 8am I cannot imagine what is going to happen when the sun is out and everybody is tried.

After waiting for several hours, we managed to get some information by combining notes from other travellers. First you have to wait outside here, unless you are Cathay Pacific or Singapore Airline you go to the counter at the next building.

You have to wait for your airline to be called before allowing entering the building, if you queue up and your airline is not being called the guards is going to throw you out of the door. After several hours of waiting, then Finally “Malaysian Airlines” was called, so I with a few found friend starting to queue.

Once inside the building, you are suppose to get you check in luggage x-ray. Here is confusion; there is only one x-ray machine to serve the thousand of luggage. They first called Malaysian Airline, then they called Aerofloat. So imagine the both of the airline passenger trying to get their baggage x-ray

some of the pictures inside the waiting area. It is not a big airport.

Imagine this, we are in the queue to get our begs x-ray, If i am not mistaken for almost 1 hours, suddenly the guard asked us, what time is your flight, we said 2.15pm, and he suddenly asked us to break ranks and go behind the queue because they are now serving only 11.05am flights. Some of the travellers went on a rampage, people start making noises, well my team decided to break ranks, those making noise are not making any progress anyway, so rather then we stay in queue we find ourselves doing something else. Ahh yes we went to the restaurant

Well it was almost 1pm, the sun is out, I was lucky that I was in the building, but imagine those outside, the sun is already out, people is trying to get their flight, it was during this time, when the authorities announce, “please be patience, we are trying to get information flow to you better, all flight are already delayed, some planes to U-Tapao could not land due to congestion of Air Planes, please do not make the scenario worse here, we are going to get everybody on their plane, please be patience.”

I was in the restaurant, Alhamdulillah that I was allowed inside,

After a few moments waiting, then we they called my flight for x-ray, there is a bit of a system right now compared to before, so we waited and I got my bag x-ray. Now there is another queue.

Now there is a queue to check – in, there is only four counter to server the thousands of people inside the building and outside the building, so here we go again, there is another queue

Another queue to get my luggae check-in and get my boarding pass.
After much waiting, Alhamdulillah i managed to get my Beg Checked in and got my boarding pass. Wow from 8am now it is almost 2pm
(6 hours to get through the check –in process)

The boarding time stated 1.50pm, but when i got my boarding pass it was nearly 1.50pm, and there was so many other who have yet to get their begs x-ray, pass check-in and go their boarding pass. The queue was still amazingly long

Have i mentioned about the air force personnel was there to assist in the process.
Yes there was military personnel helping out with civilian flights. It is a military air port.

While waiting to pass passport control, yes there is another queue, long queue. I notice of Thai Red Cross Society, giving away drinks and food to travellers.
Alhamdulillah i had some food with me which I brought from the hotel, fruits, biscuits, Chocolates and bread, but I would imagine that those that have come un-
prepared need this more than I do.

Some of the travellers are stranded for days and is low on cash; no wonder the restaurant was empty. The food in the restaurant itself was not exactly cheap. A tuna Sandwich was going for 90Baht.

There was similar tent and hand-out service to those outside the building; i could see that many travellers appreciate the hand-out by the Red Cross society.

I decided to go to passport control early, since I do not know what to expect, after the passport control, just imagine the crowd her. There is just standing room, many people want to be near the information areas because of the poor PA system, people cannot hear any announcement clearly otherwise, so many people crowd the main information area

At around 5pm, they announce my flight MH789 to Kuala Lumpur, I was in the queue to get on the bus to go to my flight.

I am so happy to see a MAS plane parked there I got on the Plane, my sit was 23A, I usually prefer Aisle Seat but I don’t care. I just needed to sit down. I got a windows sit today.

I took this picture from the windows of my sit, i have not seen this much airplane parked at such a small airport. Kudos to the ground crew at U-TAPAO for making this effort, I can personally say that it is not your fault for this event to happen. All of you are handling more that you are designed for. But thank you for the effort.
Just my final thoughts, I Just hope that things get better in Bangkok, and the world too. There is just too much violent in the world.

Just sharing with the world my experience, flying from a Military Base, I am sure not many of you have experience it, I always say, Allah works in Mysterious ways, I believe what I Say. If you want to know more write to me personally.